“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, *weak men create hard times.”

― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

* We are here

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Much more can be said about these things you bring up. I appreciate the whirlwind tour, and look ahead with some trepidation. The media and journalists like those who built up Mao and Stalin kept most from appreciating the horrible pain China and USSR endured to present positive images. However, my favorite historical parallel is the Gothic/Visigothic invasion of the Western Roman Empire in about AD410 when the Rhine froze and thousands swarmed across, and the guards didn't stop them. Then they sacked Rome.

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In re: "gender affirming care" pushed on toddlers and tender age children. The parents who do this are most likely experiencing Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy.

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Let's hope.

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... "There are rational young people out there who recognize this is not the way forward for America – or them, personally. "

My grandchildren and all of the friends in their circle are in this cohort. Their stated impatience with the follies and narcissism on display on college campuses, and in DC as well as their state capitals is palpable. Reassuring, like your reassurance the pendulum will swing back

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Yeah, I have a suspicion that all the vaccinations I got at the age of four might correlate causatively with my life experience, but it's far enough from mainstream accepted thought and complex enough--not to mention that I'm not ready to assume a victim mentality--not to do more than hint at it. Maybe I'll set aside sufficient time to develop the concept. I do suspect that others have experienced similar life experiences, but the subtlety of much of vaccine injury across a swath of the vaccinated is unlikely to be demonstrated. And anyway, while acknowledging a hindrance may help overcome it, the key is playing with the dealt hand.

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