This may be your best essay on Substack.com, yet. I hope you receive comments listing specific examples of the Progressive's "code language". As part of the dying generation, I cling to the old standards: SNAFU and cluster-fuck.

Soon we will be living in a society nearly identical to the Weimer Republic, with mobs seeking out defenseless victims (Jews and Asians beware) and a fascist government able to control the media and re-write history to their liking. Both of those things, of course, have already begun (the mainstream media is careful to protect the identities and race of the mobs).

Keep up the good work. And I love the Hayek quote. While everyone has problems wading through original works of philosophy, I hope you continue to salt your writing with quotes by Spinoza, Swedenborg, Sartre, Keynes, and Nietzche. It expands our minds to see these eternal thoughts coupled with observations of contemporary life.

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You’ve raised a good point. The idea that the truth can’t be allowed to be heard. Truth has its own power. It has weight, and is substantial. Evil/stupid/duplicitous speech cuts into those who hear it. It weakens people. It confuses them. When they hear Truth the hold the cult has on them starts to loosen. The Cult leaders can never allow this. Every cult needs to isolate its members from the rest of society. It can’t last buffeted by even normally truthful living.

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If your position is correct then defend it and justify it.

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In your listing of acronyms of military use you left out those most frequently used, FUBB and SNAFU.

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