I trust your redneck, hillbilly, good ol' boys far more than our corrupt incompetent government.

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I'll tell you why you need it for self-defense, and then I'll go further.

Most people don't realize that, historically, police forces have an approximate 24% hit rate when it comes to firing shots at suspects. Let's say you're as well trained and practiced as any police officer on one of those forces, and we'll give you an extra percentage point for good measure. At a 25% hit rate, you will hit an attacker with one out of every four shots. Since it often takes more than a single shot - let's say 3 on average (the number used in what's called a "failure drill") - then it will take you 12 rounds to stop a attacker. What happens when you're confronted with multiple attackers? Well, with the "common sense" restrictions places like California enforce, you ran out of rounds two shots shy of stopping the first attacker. If you're somewhere else and have a pistol with 15 rounds, then you might hit a second attacker once. If you have a rifle with 30 rounds, well, then you can take on two-and-a-half attackers. Of course, the statistics aren't a perfect science, but this example makes clear that limiting rounds in a magazine does nothing more than make a legal gun owner vulnerable.

Now, on to an even more critical reason. The founding fathers wanted to make sure that our *RIGHT* to keep and bear arms wasn't infringed by the government in case the government turned on the people. As Alexander Hamilton wrote in the Federalist No. 29: "...if circumstances should at any time oblige the government to form an army of any magnitude, that army can never be formidable to the liberties of the people, while there is a large body of citizens little if at all inferior to them in discipline and the use of arms, who stand ready to defend their own rights and those of their fellow citizens." The founders wanted us to own "weapons of war" *at least* equivalent to those used by the military. Don't EVER let anyone tell you otherwise.

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I listened to two DJ's that are working in Ashville and they stated it is chaos there and people were robbing other people to get their cash. Electrical and water supplies were/are still down, and many roads in the valleys are still underwater. When the water receded from the higher grounds they found people dead in the trees. The DJ's are concerned about physical harm so much so that one sent his child out of state to live with the grandparents until things get back to normal. He was unsure when that would be.

So much devastation, so much chaos, so many in need of the basics. Our govt is falling us right now and more needs to be done. This is another wakeup call about being prepared.

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The git 'er done tribe ! Without it, the mess left by Helene may never be repaired.

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On will be completed in 2038 or so.

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Coincidence? This was posted on an amateur radio mailing list this morning:

“A major X9.0 solar flare was just detected around Earth facing sunspot region 3842 at 12:18 UTC (Oct 3). This is the strongest X-Ray event of the current solar cycle. More details to follow regarding a possible CME.”

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Another good series of fiction/prediction concerning a Carrington type event is, The Catalyst Series by JK Franks. It takes place on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi and portrays a pretty accurate depiction of how life would be once the grid goes down. About to start the fourth book in the series.

The Forstchen books are good too. Still need to get to Five Years After, it's on my list.

The Black Autumn series by Jeff Kirkham and Jason Ross are not EMP/CME events so much as the US and much of the world devolving into barbarism by a series of events that tip the domino that sets everything else in motion.

What these book series have in common is revealing just how thin the veneer of civilization is. Years ago, Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle did much the same with Lucifer's Hammer. A comet strike.

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In a real life situation especially natural disaster One Redneck is better than 1000 PhDs.

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53 round magazine I was surprised is a thing. Not getting a new lower though, but thanks learned something.

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Nice to see the Gun Grabbers on the ropes. May it stay that way (but they're a pernicious bunch...like roaches).

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One Second After is a riveting book. I’ve read it several times. Ironically it was set I that area of the NC mountains most devastated by Helene.

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Soon the BIG ONE is coming. I hope the Big Man calls me up. But regardless how, when, it goes down. Life is going to get insane to the point Jesus warned us life will be cut short. Matthew 24. The AoD is coming part II. I found it very interesting Christian Widener's view on the AoD part I may have already happened. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qI0FAjl2WI&t=2s In the keep your mags for the calamity of the fallen world to come. It's not going to get better.

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Michael, I agree 100%. Not sure if you've heard of this product, but I have both of my vehicles, and my whole house generator protected. https://www.empshield.com/emp-technology/

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Again, perfection.

Definitely sharing.

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