One of the best pieces I’ve read. I am not always the brightest bulb, surely not an educated one.

I work pretty hard at reading material that challenges my reading comprehension, and my thinking. I read, listen and watch material on both sides of the proverbial fence. The hardest part is trying to engage in meaningful conversation without being verbally attacked about my “horrible, terrible, most awful belief system “ and my lack of empathy for others etc.

Typically I work hard at being kind and respectful, but it takes everything in me some days. These Substacks are a voice in the darkness for me. Thank you!

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This is one of the best compliments I have ever received. Thank you, it is greatly appreciated!

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Just tell these bad-mouthed that they are committing the fallacy of argument I’m ad hominem - the fallacy of attacking a parson rather than engaging their arguments. Basically a fancy way of telling them they are being pseudo-intellectual bullies.

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They may be intellectually constipated but that doesn’t prevent them from having nonstop verbal diarrhea!

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They live in a bubble where everyone thinks like them, goes to the same parties, reads the same newspapers and magazines, and watches the same talking heads on the alphabet channels. I sometimes watch clips of these people who've ginned up some non-issue into a bloody froth and ask myself "Do they REALLY believe what they are saying?" It's positively laughable.

I lived in Portland during the "Summer of Love" and have little patience with those claiming that Jan 6th was nearly the end of our "democracy." Literally for over a year we had nightly riots, violent riots, arson, mayhem, shooting, looting and destruction. Meh they say...not really an issue. Portland is now hollowed out with still boarded up businesses, empty office suites, garbage, open air drug markets and violent crime.

Amazingly although many of the rioters where white, none of them were rural or Christian. They did however demonstrate a great deal of rage. Why doesn't the MSM pay attention to the real perpetrators of violence and chaos?

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Those are “their people” and so are “mostly peaceful” 🙄 and were only worth reporting on when President Trump was trying to stop them. Totally idiotic, but this is how they operate.

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One wonders if the extreme angst they will experience in November will cause them to combust. Poor little things.

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Bless their little pea pickin' hearts.

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Michael, Excellent, again. i am so depressed and sad about this. These people are so very ignorant. The "elites" could not fight their way out of a paper bag. We are doomed.

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Excellent article Michael. Possibly the best of yours I’ve read. And notice how this hatred of the rural (white) regions is occurring throughout the western world (hence the farmers protests, which are a response to the Net Zero assault on rural communities).

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Mar 3·edited Mar 3Author

True. I confined my analysis to the US due to "Christian Nationalists" being the latest leftist slur of traditional people, but you are correct. The populist/anti-populist conflicts are breaking out all over the world - the Truckers in Canada, the farmers in Europe - examples are everywhere the Davos crowd is coming to be universally reviled.

And thanks for the compliment.

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You’re welcome. I also think they are targeting the rural/farming community in particular because if you think about it these are self sufficient people-people able to support themselves and less dependent on the State. That’s a dangerous source of independence. Get rid of them and you also control the food supply and the water supply. It’s a win win for totalitarian centralisation of all resources. I think that’s also why they love the Net Zero projects that take up huge amounts of land, like solar farms.

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Channeling Meg Ryan: “Yes….YES!! ….. YESSSSSSSSS!!!”

But indeed: you Are the problem. Anyone who Thinks is the problem. Anyone who knows How to think is very threatening. And anyone not currently on the mental “drip,” who doesn’t constantly hum the song of allegiance they a must all sing is the problem.

Oh, and all that education? It doesn’t count, if it wasn’t gained at an approved DEI institution of enlightenment.

I think it’s all about putting as much distance as possible between who they are at their core, what they need to sustain themselves, and who must be sacrificed on the alter of their needs.

And Power.

Preserving the all-important Power over all.

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