You are braver than I am with the one person in our neighborhood who put that sign up in their yard. My gut is to knock on their door and ask them why they think that sign should be displayed. These people have no depth. I feel insulted when I see that stupid sign. Thanks for your initiative and discussion with your neighbor.

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Liberals never expect the second question...they have the initial glib response ready to go and think that is the end of the conversation, but ask them the follow up like you did and they shut down or overreact and start the name calling...your neighbors took the shut down but have already set up "we have minority relatives so if you disagree with us you're a bigot" response to any further interaction

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They're your neighbors; invite them over for dinner. Humans evolved sharing food and conversation.

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What I find amazing is they knew everything about you - without a sign in your front yard.

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At least you had an open conversation, but I have a feeling that was the end of it! Interesting that they knew a lot about you ! 2024 election year should be interesting in your hood!

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Agreed, best to leave it alone for a while. Hopefully it did give them something to think about. After all didn't Martin Luther King want a world (a better world) where people would be judged by their character and not by the color of their skin?

IMHO - I could care less that the son-in-law was black or that they had a bi-racial baby. As long as my daughter and her husband loved each other, respected each other, and brought that grandchild around often for me to spoil, that is more than OK with me!

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When we lived in an inner ring suburb long ago, instead of the 'in the sticks' where we are now, though I still think our nearest neighbor is too close, I can see their lights through the trees at night, we had neighbors across the street I politely called, "The dope smokin' commies". Now I really don't have anything against dope smokin', I personally believe weed is far less harmful than alcohol, but that's another thing entirely. My mud truck was also my daily driver, so I spent hours in the driveway fixing things I'd broken while having fun. Ended up being the neighborhood mechanic and my yard was full of cars and trucks, only a couple of them actually belonged to me.

One morning, the DSC's were having enthusiastic sexual relations with all the windows open. One of the neighborhood kids, maybe five or six years old, wandered up my driveway, tapped me on the shoulder and asked, "Is she okay? What's he doing to her?"

Okay, not my kid, but I hoped I handled it as best I could. I told her they were wrestling. It seemed to satisfy her and she wandered off, still giving the occasional worried glance at the noises coming from the house across the street. Later, I caught them walking down the street on our side of the road, so I mentioned that maybe with all the kids in the neighborhood, they might want to tone it down a little. They explained that they were used to applause, not complaints and that they didn't have children or pets and didn't approve of the lifestyle. I made the observation that they were the only home in sight, possibly for blocks, that had neither. They left in a huff and I went back to installing the seals on my front axle.

That was the tamest of our encounters. There were times I knew I could get away with it, but I never acted on those impulses. Some folks must be endured. Reason never enters the picture.

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