I must suggest the reading of "Freedom Betrayed" by Herbert Hoover. Many of his observations may educate those of us observing that there are historical lessons to be learned from times a bit more than eighty years ago. The book is a long read but IMO worth the time if you found Ayn

Rand of interest.

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>> History, it would seem, does repeat and it does so with alarming regularity. <<

I tend to go with the belief (sometimes attributed to Mark Twain) that "history does not repeat itself, but it often rhymes"

OTOH, the histories of James Buchanan and Joe Biden - both characterized as hapless, incompetent Presidents - do appear to be approaching a certain degree of congruence.

Let us pray that the end of Slow Joe's time in the Oval Office doesn't coincide with the start of the Second War Between the States.

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