I can't refute your analysis.,

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Thus my understanding that our greatest mission in life is to bring people to Jesus and salvation. I'm not out knocking on doors for my religious beliefs, although I have knocked on doors for politics. (Hmm..)

I simply live within the boundaries of my religion. Sometimes that includes sharing my personal life experiences. I have, as of last month, 3 inoperable brain tumors. I woke up today and literally thanked God for the honor. I pray for our once great country and the citizens therein.

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ls there a vaccine for this disease? The human frailties that affected the parish level leaders of some of the Christian sects were off putting for a great many. The rise of more loosely structured megachurches was perhaps a consequence. Could it be that there will be a discovery by the gov't idolators of how hollow and self abnegating such devotion becomes? I propose that liberty and the yearning for an entity more powerful than oneself are inseparable and intrinsic to the human condition.

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