To borrow from Jack None Reacher, the best way to win is get your retaliation in first. I've lost all faith in the GOP. They deserve no loyalty or recognition other than maybe something you want to scrape of your shoe. Trump essentially got his retaliation in first. It wasn't always effective, but with every covefe or sleepy Joe, the Left's screeches and hysteria rubbed enough folks the wrong way.

There isn't a single Republican so far that would have the cojones to do what's necessary. We've got a Medusa that needs killing. A lot of snakes need to lose a lot of heads. How we get there... well, only God knows because trying to unify the GOP and find a few with spines is like herding cats and finding hookers in church Sunday morning.

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You absolutely nailed it with this commentary. Prime example is the abortion issue. The righteous Right stays home on election day unless the candidate meets their specific goal of no abortions anywhere, ever, or for any reason. Your characterization of the Left is absolutely on the mark...they circle their wagons no matter how bad their candidate is. Alternatively, the Right revels in being "right" rather than winning.

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Our nation has been poorly served by the folks in DC since LBJ was POTUS. The Democrat dominated Congresses from Eisenhower onward led us into the morass we face today. Time for change !! Too many of the Repubs in leadership today are from that era too. All of them with more than 15 years in office live in a bubble that has no relationship to the vagaries common folks experience -- and the worst?? They don't care.

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Michael, you might want to fix what spellcheck did to you: "The GOP is quite fund of sectarian and internecine warfare," and "f the vote is solid Democrat, they could care less about the quality of the person." Couldn't needs to be in there.

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GOP is the mirror of Democrats. Both political parties need to be destroyed. Neither is interested in anything but power and the base is manipulated by Rhetoric. GOP is castrated by it's misleadership.

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Until the GOP adopts a strategy like the Dems, that is that we will vote you off the island (to use your metaphor) unless you adhere to the greater plan, they will continue to be disjointed. Have your internal squabbles, but at end of day - unite in one direction, one vote.

The Dems, as you say, seem to have a lock on this, and at end-of-day all goose step in the same direction. That is their strength but can also be their Achilles heel. We need to use it against them and start by being united and driving a wedge into their party, piece by piece, member by member, and keep dissecting until they are more divided than the 'R's' are today.

At the same time we need to keep attacking at the grass roots, and at the state levels. This is, again as you said, WAR, and we need to fight like there is no other alternative.

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Maybe if those 60,000 pounds of explosive fertilizer are used to destroy some American landmarks, the two parties will again unite for a month or two against a common enemy. But, now that I think about it, the Dems would blame it on a racist white Republican and the Republicans would argue among themselves until the next crisis.

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