Mar 19·edited Mar 19

A recent video showed a gorilla that had been kept in a smallish 10' x 10' cage for many years. When they attempted to release the gorilla into the wild, it made a very well worn path in the forest where it circled and paced inside that same 10' cage when it was free to roam anywhere it desired.

Our children are becoming comfortable in their secure little orbits.

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This is why Adam Carolla described the whole lockdown period as "crate training" for the young generations.

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we let our grandkids drive the yard tractor last year and now the 2 13 year olds are hooked, they can't wait to get their license

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My theory; the youth have been carefully conditioned by the schools and the media to regard the

private automobile as something to be rendered obsolete. As that notorious fabulist AlGore described it, the biggest threat to life on this planet. (excepting, of course, his entourage's black Suburbans)

Face it - our rulers for long have been moving us in the direction of our only movement option being

mass transit, and our only shelter option high-rise public housing - so very much easier to control

such a population, don'tcha know. Independence is being systematically bred out of us. Because

independence is an inconvenience for our rulers.


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Got my license early, wanted independence almost as much as our founding fathers. If I had a dollar for every mile driven since? I'd be independently wealthy. LOL. Have encouraged my kids and grandkids to do the same.

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In Texas I got a motorscooter license for on the road driving at the age of 14. Two years later after taking the driving course on Lackland AFB that my dad signed me up for, on my 16th birthday I passed the driving test for the license to drive anything I wanted. At the age of 17 I was hired to drive the early/late school bus to Thomas Jefferson High School 12 miles for the ball players and musicians. MY first vehicle was a Cushman Eagle 5 HP scooter and the first car was a 1951 Dodge Meadowbrook four door with a gyroshlush transmission and a flat head six. I maintained both vehicles. Enough for now. Neither of myt parents had helicopter blood, although dad did have B-17 training to fly over Ploesti. Looking back, the experience feels pretty good.

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I got my license on the birthday that I was eligible and couldn’t wait! Friends’ kids are hesitant at best now. Their parents keep chauffeuring them around and they seem to like the control just as much as their kids dislike freedom. I’m not optimistic.

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Frankly, it may not be such a bad thing....do we really want to be on the road with pot smoking, obsessive cell phone addicts? I worked on the NJ boardwalk where my boss stashed part of my pay and then turned over a used car he had at the end of the summer. That Ford Galaxy took me ALL OVER.

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I've noticed. I don't get it. Had a farm license at 12. Couldn't drive after dark and it had to be one of the flatbeds, pickups, or tractor. I could go to the feed store or gas station. By the time I was 15 getting my permit seemed anticlimactic, but as soon I was able, I did it. Got my license shortly after I turned 16. Can't even comprehend not having the desire to not hit the road. Maybe when some Gen Z dweeb says, okay boomer, that's what they mean. they just can't relate. they truly don't get it and neither do we.

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