Dec 1, 2023·edited Dec 1, 2023

"When asked to pick from groups they would not want as neighbors, Americans who picked “people of another race” fell in the 0 – 4.9% category, the lowest bracket in the study."

Isn't this called the "Bradley effect," wherein people responding to pollsters are afraid to do so honestly, lest they incur the judgement of the pollster or lest the results be doxxed. I would suspect that number was at its lowest in 2006 and has risen dramatically since, especially since 2020.

"Have you devolved into a bigot or racist in the past five or ten years? If you are like me, probably not."

Well no, but I am, and officially have been, All Blacked Out™. I never would have supported His Royal Blackness but I would have been supportive of the likes of Dr Carson. Now, however, we've seen comprehensively and with almost zero exceptions that rule by aggrieved minority -- be that racial minority, women, or those of eclectic sexualities -- has been such a ridiculous and avoidable disaster that none of them are ever likely to get my support again.

I was likewise sympathetic to the problems of poverty in America, but between the Trayvon, handsupdontshoot™, St. George of Fentanyl, jogger incidents, numerous others, and the floods of aliens -- legal and otherwise -- into this country, my well of sympathy has run competely dry. I don't have any left to give.

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I get where you're coming from...it's not individuals but the large vocal groups of victims (as Michael says, most of whom are educated whites assuming a role of protector). They are tiresome, spoiled (think Occupy Wallstreet) and others. Just a bunch of whiny, control freak brats, who haven't been disciplined enough in their lives. 😐

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The woke left hates America and therefore they hate Americans.

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