One dollar one vote and if votes are wrong the rectification occurs. However a nation has the government it deserves. A nation too interested in work and fun and partisan loyalty instead of truth is easy to control. Brazilians turn out in the millions to oppose election theft but Americans Yawn and say it's only politics.

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Rather than throw up our hands in despare, might we choose and support, candidates that more reflect our views and will truely pursue that end?

There are a few such people in Congress. Damn few though.

We must assume responsibility for our share of the outcome too.

After all, Fetterman, a dead person and AOC were all elected somehow.

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What can we lowly serfs do to enact anything that helps our world in this dastardly system? It'll have to come to a true cleaning or destruction. This is why they're fighting so hard against Trump becoming the 47th President.

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Trump for all his challenge… “drain the swamp”… the swamp monsters will be interesting to watch next couple years.. solid opinion piece as always.

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