It doesn't help that 90% of our news outlets feed us a mash of lies. Too many Americans don't even know our border has been opened by the criminal enterprise that occupies the highest levels of our government.

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DeSantis is much easier for more Conservatis to defend. He doesn't make his supporters ashamed or go through mental gymnastics to defend him.

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Actions are more revealing of one's true character since it is easy to say things or make promises, but it takes effort to do things and follow through.

“You will know a man by his good works, not by his words” is a popular saying that emphasizes the importance of actions over words. This phrase is often attributed to St. Francis of Assisi, who is known for his commitment to poverty, peace, and love for nature.

Words are cheap, actions speak volumes!

We've known these sayings for many years, yet we still fail to see through their words...

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What the "people in power" say is occasionally what they intend to do, and is reason enough to take the power away from them.

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