The person I will be voting for was decided almost 4 years ago when the election was stolen, unlawfully stolen from the person who legitimately won. We all know that. We all saw the shenanigan's that happened late that night into the wee hours of the morning. We all saw the videos of countless votes being rerun through the scanners and counted a second time, we saw the totes of votes being taken from underneath the tables after the polls closed. And we all saw the reams of paper being placed in the windows to block out onlookers eyes.

Oh yes, the plumbing leaked (wink, wink), and yes the remote voting boxes were stuffed with bought ballots - but who cares - Orange man didn't win did he (ala Harry 'The Liar' Reid).

You see this is modern day politics at its finest. They DO NOT CARE about us as long as they stay in power. That is all that matters to them. And for them - the ends do justify the means.

My decision has already been made and no amount of rhetoric from the left, no amount of lies from the left and no amount of threats from the left will keep me from casting my vote.

My 2 cents.

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We live in surreal times.

The healthcare system is a horrible mess.

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