It's not just a problem with Republican leadership, but rather, it is a problem with Republicans and conservatives in general. After some solid conservative candidates lost to spineless RINO incumbents in the primaries here in Texas, I attended my district Republican convention. During the meeting, in discussing my discontent with the losses, one person in my district said something to the effect, "we couldn't put those candidates up. If Huffines won the primary, we'd end up with Beto as governor. You have to put up the candidate who can win." Now, I don't believe Beto has a snowball's chance in hell of becoming governor of Texas; we haven't absorbed that many Californians yet. What bothers me is the mindset. People whine about RINOs always voting with, and showing fealty to, the Democrats, but then they vote for the very person about whom they complain. When I asked, "how then can we change things for the better," the person stared at me like a deer caught in headlights. Then I received a weak response, "We have to find candidates who can win."

It goes, perhaps, to something else you wrote in the past few days Michael. It's difficult to maintain your values in Washington. One of the candidates whom I supported knows that and had already stated he wouldn't go for more than two terms, because he knows congressional voting record deteriorate after that.

Regardless, if we are unwilling to be bold and put up solidly conservative candidates, as bold as the left who put up radically progressive candidates, we'll never get Washington back on track. Conservative voters need to get rhetorical tattoos up their arms and necks and stop being afraid to get nasty if ever we hope to have leadership that will do the same.

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"We need Trump-like leaders in Congress. We need people with rhetorical tattoos up their arms and necks, people who DGAF, people who aren't afraid to get a bit nasty with the lying bullies on the left." Amen and Amen. This is what I saw coming down the escalator in 2015.

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