The Democratic Machine has left Joe Biden in place as President for one reason. If they invoked the 25th Amendment before November, Kamala Harris would become President, and then the demand for her to do something about the open border, inflation, and every other negative problem we're facing. As it is, she can just smile now and say that "Joe Biden is still the President," so naturally the problems won't get resolved until January 20th, 2025.

I'd like to know what would happen if she is elected and then goes back on all her promises. Would the sheep that put her in office do anything?

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That's an interesting thought. Imagine if Biden were to die or become completely incapacitated before the election, and Kamala becomes president. Would we see her do anything but talk about her middle class upbringing?

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"Danger Close" is a U.S. military code used by troops requesting indirect fire support (artillery, mortars, etc.) where the intended target is in such close proximity to the friendlies that there is a chance that a stray round might land on their position. It encourages the shooters to double check their bubbles before pulling the lanyard. But your use in the political context is entirely appropriate.

As one of the wierd sisters said in Macbeth, Act 4, scene 1: "By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes."

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