The left has no idea they are in a cult. They actually think they thought their way after careful research to each of their positions.

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"The Left" is the result of a decaying educational system, where millions know NOTHING about the founding of their own country because it's no longer taught to them, and have no idea that they're so stupid about the subject. Their lack of humanity doesn't come from cults, either--it comes from broken brains stuffed too full of their own ego.

There are lots of people now, either IDing as "GOP", or "Non Party Affilliated" who used to BE on Team Democrat. Except, in the last couple of decades, these are the people who have turned off America's television propaganda and went to a damned library, educating themselves, which actually woke them from the dullard's dream-state they've been in, thinking "The Democratic Party" gives a damn about ANY Americans. They do not.

I hasten to add, there is a difference between "Americans who lean Left" and The Democratic National Committee's version of "Democrats in America". Americans who lean left can still be reasoned with. If any of them are a 'cult", it's the DNC/WEF goons who all swear fealty to Team Hillary and wants government to be its Mommy and Daddy. THOSE people must be stopped outright, by any means necessary because they mean all of us grievous harm.

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I've been thinking about this for a goodly amount of time, and if you really dig into what the "left" believes, it isn't even leftist at all - at least not as I have understood leftist doctrine. It is more serious than a comic book, but not as serious as an actual book, it is stuck somewhere in a graphic novel dimension. It is a bunch of fearful people who have the most superficial grasp of what their pronouncements and positions truly mean, never understanding the endpoint.

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… and whoever has the audacity to try to reveal this glaring absence of knowledge or reason is instantly vilified, permanently denounced, and subsequently “canceled.”

It brings to mind the rebellious stage of childhood when they cover their ears, close their eyes, and drown out your voice by screaming “NA-NA-NA-NA-NA!”

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I've had a few of the same kind of back and forths with a couple of left leaning folks. In particular, one posted how he "couldn't imagine a thoughtful high school senior wanting to go to a college in a state that doesn't respect her bodily autonomy. I can't imagine a thoughtful woman wanting to move to job in a state that doesn't respect her bodily autonomy. Or a thoughtful husband or father wanting either either. "

For my response I noted, "I can't imagine raising a daughter that doesn't understand the consequences of her actions and engages in unprotected relations that could result in an unwanted pregnancy."

Like the swarming scarabs in the movie, The Mummy, with Brendan Fraser, I was swarmed by outraged ignorance of just what the Dobbs decision meant and called a lot of interesting names, given suggestions to do things that are physiologically impossible and told my parents had failed me.

It was all quite entertaining and I remarked that their ire and lack of factual understanding was entirely predictable and reminded them that ignorance is a choice and facts didn't care about their feelz, which met the expected shrill reactions. I counted at least four logic fallacies and a couple were repeated even after they were pointed out.

Honestly, I'm not sure I see a way forward when the likes of those only wanting their egos assuaged by a complete lack of understanding, rather than face some simple, but albeit unpleasant truths. As a nation, we're in serious trouble and from the J6 kangaroo court, to Russia, Russia, Russia, being everything from responsible for Trump to $5.85 a gallon gasoline, to Clarence Thomas wanting to turn The Handmaid's Tale into the American way of life, I don't see how actually fixing or recovering of limited federal government will cause anything but more hysteria.

I continue to have hope, but it is dwindling and I admit, there are days I want to join the burn it all down crowd.

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Hey, I'm 63. married for over 40 years, have three biological adult children and I was called an incel, so words mean nothing but "I don't like you because you refuse my dominion".

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The government itself, mainstream media and social media platforms are doing a great job ensuring Americans have the "necessary" information to form the correct opinion about everything.

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I used to think the left was peopled by well meaning but soft headed people. With a cadre at the top that were bad guys. I don’t now think that. I think now 70% of all people are neutral morally. They are automatons. In the fifties this crowd would have hated black people and gays and commies. If they had lived in 30s Germany they would have killed Jews without a thought. Since the Second World War the soulless robots among us were largely told to be benign. So they were. Now they’re being told to hate again. So they do.

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