Once again you've penned something that tells me I'm not crazy.

Thank you.

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Michael - I agree with your content here, only I would change one line. You write...it is because the rule makers simply don’t have the stomach to hold people accountable. I would state that they do not have the stomach to hold 'Certain' people accountable - which then gives the rest of us further license to break the rules/law.

I am convinced that if we saw the full extent of the law pursued no matter who you are (Clinton, Obama, Reid, Fauci, criminals, and on and on), then we would more likely obey the rules/law or suffer the consequence.

When we know that they will not prosecute the knowingly guilty, then we (the common person) say screw that - I'm not going to follow the rules either. As for airline luggage, I bring on a soft bag that I have rolled up my clothes, and I wear the same pair of shoes/sneakers the full trip, and the rollup fits under the seat. And I am still the guy that stands in the checkout line and if the guy/gal behind me have a few items I let them go before me.

BTW - do not get me started on Myers Briggs (Mother/daughter) who created these tests based upon work by Carl Jung. I too took them many years ago as our company, a fortune 500 company, had nothing better to do with their money than to hire teachers and buy the material and send major swaths of employees through it. Only to drop it all later for the next -big thing - in employee understanding and organization. Then about a decade later the company went through major downsizing and still has not fully recovered.

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More than the general notion of non-prosecution, we all KNOW whom will NOT be prosecuted. This degrades the rule of law.

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What bugs me is those entitled folk who come to you after you have seated yourself and ask (or in some cases even demand) that you exchange your seat so that they can seat together with a traveling companion. How much effort does it take to select seats together ahead of time when buying a ticket?

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I have minimized flying, opting for train travel -- takes more time, much less stressful. From 250k miles/year in planes to less than 10k. Other plane travelers are probably thankful with my absence and my intolerance for what you have described.

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I like to watch the woman bearing her "two bags" onto the plane: a steamer trunk on wheels, a laptop bag, a purse, a canvas bag with book/snacks/water bottle, and a bag of stuff she bought in the concourse. All of which consumes all the space in one entire overhead bin designed for three people.

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I have never pointed a gun at anyone, but the gun laws are pointed at me. Probably because they know the hassle of enforcement will be unnecessary. Too much like work holding a felon accountable for a police stand-off with a fully automatic (redundancy for emphasis) weapon.

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Good essay. A Jungian type is not a "psychological defect" however. The ego has to choose an orientation.

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