Perfect comparison.

"Struggle sessions" are already here in parts of corporate America for employees who don't submit to DEI or are insufficiently WOKE. "Conform or be gone"

It will get much worse, especially for Christians.

Dark days

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An interesting, truth-bearing and well-written analogy.

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It's almost as if Orwell had predicted it. Who could have imagined?

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You are right, of course. That our homegrown cultural revolutionaries have seized control has been well established.

The more pressing question is: What are we to do about it?

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In the '60s it began!

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It accelerated in the 1960s.

It arguably started in the Enlightenment. This is difficult for Americans to understand. America is a creation of the Enlightenment. American political doctrine rests on philosophy of the Enlightenment.

We were taught Enlightenment was an unmitigated good thing. Pro-Enlightenment forces won + they wrote our history.

We have reached the limits of Enlightenment--where Christians are targeted, abortion is celebrated, the mutilation of teenagers' reproductive organs is applauded, and Satanists are a protected class.

We are in a holy war against the cultural revolutionaries. You don't bring facts and figures to a holy war. You bring faith to a holy war.

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