Where is Herb Stein when we need him to remind us of his most famous adage?

“If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.” To the best my knowledge, Stein did not opine on just how bad things would get before they would collapse. Seems to me we won’t have to wait very long to find out.

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Let's hope all those migrating from the stupid Leftist states to the Red states remember why they did so and vote Conservative. If not, the insanity will only repeat itself. Not sure where in the US is "safe" from Lib crazies anymore.

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They have even said out loud that looting, ransacking, and arson are equivalent to reparations and in the words of the former Baltimore mayor, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, we must give “those who wished to destroy space to do that as well.”

Michael I just copied the above from your great article because just this morning in Rochester NY the city Mayor Malik Evans was up in arms because in our city one of the Rite Aid stores is closing up shop for good and moving out of the city. WHY you might ask, well they have been robbed many times with the CRIMINAL walking in off the street looking at the cashier and then heading to the coolers to take beer. Also, just the other day thieves with tarps entered the store and began stripping the shelves and then walked the loaded tarps out the door.

Rite Aid officials have told the store personnel that they are not to do anything. The police are powerless to stop it because if by chance the criminal is caught and arrested, then they will just get an appearance ticket and if they ignore it and don't show up for court, oh well nothing happens to them, and they know it.

This is the result of defund the police, decriminalize the criminal system and really has started with the STUPIDITY of our so-called enlightened Politicians! The movie Escape from NY is coming to fruition and soon will be coming to a town near you.

Our state governor Hochul is a joke and because she has catered to the NY city folk, and is bought and paid for, she most likely will get re-elected. Oh, and to show you the stupidity of our Mayor - she just passed her budget, and, in the budget, it was made illegal for any new construction less than 10 stories to have natural gas hookup. And by 2030 it will be illegal for the same in-home construction.

Hmmm - I need to now go onto realator.com and see what housing prices are like in Fl., Tenn., GA., And maybe a few more RED states.

Lastly - our state (NY) has lost billions in tax revenue from people moving out and Florida just stated that last month 10,000 NY drivers turned in their drivers licenses for Fl. ones.

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The inmates are running the asylum.

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People truly need to get a moral compass and FOLLOW IT!

Allowing one's self to continually suck up propaganda and fall for every "never waste a crisis" (especially if 'they' CREATED it) moment.

It is so sad to watch how things are spiraling into "hell in a handbasket".

Good idea to read Psalm 73 (KJV) to get a view on all this...maybe even awaken to what is happening!

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Nobody can say you didn't warn us.

Great essay, Michael (I reposted it on Twitter).

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Solzhenitsyn wrote about this in the early days of Soviet government. Criminals were allowed to predate freely on the public and crime victims were prosecuted for defending themselves. It was an assist to the government in terrorizing the public, making everyone live in fear and thus become more docile and manageable. That's one of Soros's tactics.

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