Sure enough, some of the lefties voiced their horror at the idea of a guy with a gun running around shooting at murderers, and they complained that "good guys with a gun" don't keep these murderous rampages from happening. Gutfeld came through with a pretty good analogy--The good guy with a gun is the vaccine. He doesn't prevent the violence from happening, but he can mitigate the damage. He can shorten the period of horror that victims are experiencing. We don't hear the left saying "stop the vaccine because it doesn't actually prevent all infections."

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This is a link to a piece a friend posted while I was incarcerated in the Facebook hoosegow.


Now it rightly notes that the nature of "authority" may be long dead, but I couldn't help but draw the conclusion to another homily. It is easier to ask forgiveness than permission. When it comes to self defense and the defense of the innocent, official authority is too long in responding, therefore that ultimate authority falls on those willing to act and ask forgiveness rather than permission.

There is talk of sheepdogs and shepherds having authority over their flock. In Ulvade, 376 sheepdogs were frozen to inaction because of the likes of BLM and Progressive Legislators. How did this come to be? There were reports of parents being arrested for attempting to rush in and save their children. The "authorities" on scene had no qualms about preventing that, but no compunction of their own to intervene in a situation their entire existence is predicated on them taking action. How did we get here? When authority is absent, the righteous must accept that mantle, regardless of the consequences.

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It also is the loss of a sense of propriety (what is appropriate in a civil society under specific conditions) that once formed the basis for self control and common sense judgment. We must be capable of self control if we are ever to self govern and we must defeat any who cannot self govern.

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Can we really say we live in a "civilized society" when there are people like the shooters in Uvalde and in Greenwood, IN running around? All the more reason, in my mind, to hope there are more people that do carry legally.

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"I don’t know about you, but I can’t imagine out of all those armed law enforcement personnel in Uvalde, there wasn’t one of them who said, “Give me a damn bullet shield, I’m going in and if you try to stop me, I’m going to bust a cap in YOUR ass." Michael, you do know about me.

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