Warlord Justice
County DAs going after a former US President and anyone close to him? Yep, it is happening.
Some words have concrete definitions.
If I say to you that I was hit by a rock, you have a general understanding of to what the term “rock” refers. You may not know what sort of rock, its geological origin, its size, or shape, but it is easy for you to form a mental image of a rock - something unmalleable, unbendable, something hard. Even though you know not all rocks are the same, once a rock, the don’t change in to cotton candy.
I used to have the same kind of concrete conception of law.
I once believed that it was something definable based on duly passed laws and statutes, that “the law” was understood based on written definitions and prescriptions that every American could count on being the same no matter whether the defendant or plaintiff were rich or poor, black or white, male or female, Democrat or Republican. None of that mattered because the law was the law, formally defined and discrete.
Well, if I still harbored those illusions, the past decade or so has completely disabused me of any participation in them.
There is an interesting, and ultimately destructive, form of jurisprudence developing. Based on the fact we currently have County District Attorneys bringing charges against ex-presidents alongside DOJ Special Counsels and State Attorney Generals, all of whom are Democrats in service of Democrat controlled regimes or heavily Democrat counties, states and districts, the law is being twisted to fit nothing less than warlord justice.
Each one of these people has taken on a role akin to that of a third-world warlord, advancing themselves at the expense of their tribe. In the seething, hungry for vengeance enclaves of Manhattan, Fulton County, the Democrat counties in New York State and ultimately, the Democrat King and his court in the White House, these warlords are hailed as conquering heroes for taking the battle to the usurper, Donald J. Trump for defeating their anointed queen, Hillary Clinton, thereby ruining her historic coronation.
Carl Von Clausewitz, the 19th century Prussian general and military theorist, proposed that “War is the continuation of politics by other means.” The corollary of which would be that politics is the continuation of war by other means. And that is true – politics has become the mechanism by which people do bad things to other people under the guise of majority agreement as if simply being in the majority is the same as being ethical and moral.
This is that.
It is war.
We are not shooting, that is, we are not shooting yet, but that is certainly one future possibility unless rationality and common sense overcomes their adrenaline-fueled orgasm of tribal combat with Donald Trump, our modern version of Sir John Hawkwood.
Besides having the coolest name straight out of a sword and sorcery novel, Sir John was an Englishman and a knight who served in the English army during the Hundred Years’ War and later commanded the White Company, the most elite mercenary army in all of 14th century Italy.
These warlords have reduced what happens next to a binary proposition. If they win, the get Trump but they also destroy what little remaining faith Americans have in the judicial system. If they lose, Trump wins and like Obi Wan, becomes more powerful that they could possibly imagine and restores faith in the system (or at least stops the decline).
Given that if Trump wins, he will have the power to bust out the magnificent, tremendous, gilded trebuchets stored in the basements of all Trump properties and rain hell down on the warlords and their tribes.
They won’t go without a fight because this fight is existential.
But that is a fight worth having, because then, and only then, then restoration begins.
A perspective from the other side of the “pond.” Dangerous ground.
What do you think the public trials and long sentences (17 years) for those who dared to protest the election.
That is also a message, just as much as Trump.
Stay in your dark dank home’s proletariat, don’t you dare to stand up!