Fantastic! I need an address of one of your social experiment participants to send my Whole Foods and electric bills! I will even pay postage on the envelope instead of sending it C.O.D. Oh, and I need this by the first of every month. Also I can send them my car insurance payment as well, since I drive 16-year-old and older cars, and it isn’t fair that I can’t afford a new car so they can pay my insurance bill on my older car as reparation.

Thanks!! I want to find more of these kind of Democrats! The ones I’ve spoken to around where I live I want other people to pay the bills of the “disadvantaged”, but when I try to get them personally to pay up they shut the door in my face in their 99.9% white gated neighborhood and ignore me.

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The people I know who would never consider casting a ballot for anyone except those with a D by their name are in no way generous with their own money. Instead, they believe the "rich" should pay for social programs, which is exactly how Dems trick people into supporting tax increases---even though they know the only way to pay for their giveaways is to increase taxes on the middle class. Unfortunately, too many people are ignorant of history & rarely try to learn how the economy works. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on ME!

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