The Real Threat to Democracy
Spoiler alert: It ain't Donald Trump, J.D. Vance, Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon, Paul Manafort or the GOP.
The elitist leadership of the Democrat Party hates its regular members.
That is not unusual, every Bolshevik (and Bolshevik-Lite) revolution eventually gets to the point when the leaders of the revolt secure complete control by disappearing former allies who are judged to be insufficiently supporting those at the top of the totem pole and then begin bullying the rank and file by totally ignoring their wishes.
As a historical fact, this is hardly anything new. That members of the Democrat Party would be made to suffer for their disobedience was entirely predictable.
In 1940, down in Mexico, Leon Trotsky got an ice ax in the back for his disloyalty to Stalin.
Members of the Jackass Party may not be getting the business end of the ax, but they are most certainly getting the shaft.
I am sure it will come as a shock to members of the Dem Party, but senior party leadership, along with mega-donors, are subverting democracy.
Shocker, right?!
They can claim they did not know about Joe Biden’s mental condition – but there is no way they did not. In fact, Biden’s lack of sentience and independent agency was the most attractive part of the Biden presidential experience. He was picked because he 1) so lusted for the office that he would do anything he was told to get it, and 2) would never turn on the masters he depended upon to keep him in his place.
The same goes for Kamala Harris, Biden’s lackadaisical, ineffective, word-salad producing, DIE hire VP. She alleges that she has lunch with Biden every week. There is no way his deterioration was hidden from her. Maybe it is because, as in Biden’s case, she understands she did not get her position on merit, experience, or performance, rather she was selected for her usefulness to the Party (at the time).
Puppet leaders at the mercy of their benefactors are always insecure and defensive – until their masters remind them of their place (or lack thereof).
This process led to the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on a nation and its people, and now these fraudsters are looking for a way out, the most amazing of which is the “What? We did not know!” defense.
There is no way they did not know.
They knew. Their problem now is not that they knew, it is they now know their members know they knew - all along - and it is highly likely their Never Trump buddies were in on the con as well.
Joe is not so much of a risk to the country that the Twenty-fifth Amendment should be invoked, he can still be controlled for a few months, but he is an existential threat to Democrat power. From the jump, Kamala was an unlikable candidate – during the primaries in 2020, the more people saw her, the more her numbers tanked – plus Republicans will effectively attack her for knowing about Joe’s mental condition all along and doing nothing about it.
They have decided Joe and the Ho gotta go.
Joe is rumored to be announcing he will no longer pursue the nomination as soon as this Sunday.
Now that the con is out in the open, the top layers of the Democrat leadership are doing what every dictatorial, tyrannical, and authoritarian leadership does – they are stripping democracy from the process and telling their membership just to sit down and shut up, it doesn’t matter what they want, they are not capable of making a decision on their own and the elites of the party will decide for them.
And that is all that matters. Democracy be damned. Democrats will be given a choice of leadership cabal approved candidates in an open convention. The real kingmakers, the superdelegates who have the voting power to nominate anyone they want regardless of the will of the regular delegates, will not vote in the first round, but if the regular delegates do not choose the correct nominee, the superdelegates can clean it up in Round Two.
For the last four years, Democrats have been told Donald Trump is the greatest threat ever to democracy. It must be shocking and disheartening to find out now that their own party has a guy up on a sloped roof, about a hundred fifty yards away, with democracy in the crosshairs.
Couldn’t happen to a more deserving group of people.
The old Walt Kelly Pogo cartoon sums it up:
“Yep, son, we have met the enemy and he is us.”
This is the culmination of a very long process.... For eight years now these people have been telling us that Donald Trump is such an 'existential threat' to our 'sacred norms' and 'democracy' that they had to dynamite and systematically destroy all those norms to protect us from him. The coup to oust Joe Biden represents the final step in this process. After years of lying about his mental and physical condition, now they have decided the polls show he cannot win. Well guess what, someone loses the Presidential election every four years, and most of the time they are trailing in pre-election polls. But at no time in the past did a candidate down in the polls get forced out by his own supporters. If you are losing the election, make a better case for yourself, propose something the public wants, try to improve your situation. Here they are yet again establishing another 'new norm' that will come back to bite them. From this point forward now, based on this precedent why would any political party solidify behind any candidate when they can just focus group and poll test candidate after candidate for months on end right up until the last minute to launch a candidate onto the public with no vetting and no primary process. Yet another norm and tradition being shattered by the people "protecting our Democracy..."
As always: every word, precise and true.
Get the popcorn ready, folks.
What you will see unfolding in the coming months will be yet another demonstration of their masterful ability to extricate themselves from a stinking catastrophe of their own making, while blaming it on their opponents, sending the bill to the taxpayers, and spinning it all as their victimization, just for that sympathy cherry on too.