Taylor Lorenz is Just the Iceberg's Tip
The problem is not Taylor Lorenz, it is that the left has marshalled an army of morally flexible foot soldiers, a cadre of assassins, just like her.
This Taylor Lorenz/Libs of TikTok episode is just the latest example of how the left has created their own moral code and system of values that are completely at odds with traditional morals and values. In doing so, they have redefined the meanings of good and evil and how those terms are applied to themselves and to others.
This is why they never see anything they do as evil.
When one considers what this means, on must consider the definitions of good and evil.
From a Christian biblical perspective, anyone who spent any time in Sunday School as a kid knows that the most ubiquitous definitions of good and evil are contained in the Golden Rule and the Ten Commandments.
The Golden Rule, of course, is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
The Ten Commandments are:
Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Thou shalt not make or worship any graven image.
Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain.
Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Honor thy father and thy mother.
Thou shalt not commit murder.
Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Thou shalt not steal.
Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Thou shalt not covet.
When one looks at these Commandments, and while they all carry equal weight, some seem more significant than others, primarily the “no other gods before me” and “thou shalt not kill”. If you can’t abide by these, the chances of you obeying the others is pretty remote.
And the left has either 1) openly denied God or 2) attend “churches” that are pretty light on teaching the actual Word of God. The former is a direct violation of the first Commandment, the latter is the same, it just allows people who are Christian Lite to fool themselves into thinking they are not breaking it.
As to the whole “thou shalt not kill” thing, the left has justified murder as long as it is for a “good cause”. In the case of Montez Terriel Lee Jr., who was convicted of the arson of a pawn shop that resulted in the death of a man. Senator Josh Hawley wrote a letter to Merrick Garland that crystalized what the DOJ was doing:
"While you treat persons charged with petty offenses from the January 6 riot as hardened criminals, now even the most heinous offenses can be treated leniently, as long as the perpetrator is of the correct race and the crime can be connected to some progressive cause célèbre."
Once one gets to that point, ignoring the Golden Rule and the rest of the Commandments is a piece of cake:
The secular humanist left worships themselves as gods.
They disdain God’s name.
Sunday has a perfunctory meaning (if it has any meaning at all). It is just Day Two of the weekend.
Children are taught not to trust parents and are treated as property of the state (mothers and fathers do not matter).
Adultery? You are kidding, right?
Stealing? There should be no private property anyway.
Lying? How can that be? Truth is relative.
Covetousness? The basis for our policies can’t be wrong.
The interesting aspect of the left’s redefinition is that the term “good” always applies to them, but may be applied to people other than the left (as long as they are doing or saying something with which the left agrees), but the term “evil” is exclusively reserved for those who oppose leftist orthodoxy.
In other words, the left is always good, anyone opposing them is always evil because good and evil are defined politically instead of in the sense of a shared universal morality.
And most of all, the left’s morality is flexible and relativistic, it expands or contracts to fit the situation. What is good today, may be evil tomorrow and vice versa, dependent solely upon what is needed to advance toward a goal or support a narrative.
As noted, Taylor Lorenz’s life and career certainly illustrate how little the Golden Rule matters to them. She just doxxed the owner of Libs of TikTok less than two weeks after the airing of a MSNBC interview in which she weepily claimed PTSD due to the alleged things done to her because of her literally doing them to others (if you haven’t seen the interview, you really should google it).
Even though Lorenz is a spoiled garbage person, I’m not picking on her individually because she may be mentally ill, that MSNBC interview looked like a psychotic break - but her masters don't care, they still find her useful - but there will come a day when she isn't. Using people like Lorenz is an ultimate evil to which the left has rationalized itself.
However; she is the poster child for leftist orthodoxy, an avatar for the entire progressive movement and its complete abandonment of any sense of morality.
Lorenz is a child of privilege, growing up in Old Greenwich, Connecticut, attending Greenwich High School and later a Swiss boarding school. She graduated from Hobart and William Smith College with a BA in Political Science.
Bearing the gravitas of a hot air balloon, Lorenz’s fame and fortune is largely based on her willingness to attack and destroy anyone who exhibits less than full throated support of progressive, woke, leftist, or Democrat agendas. In other words, she is a politically focused assassin for the left, gainfully and gleefully employed by leftist media organizations.
F.A. Hayek noted:
“To be a useful assistant in the running of a totalitarian state, therefore, a man must be prepared to break every moral rule he has ever known if this seems necessary to achieve the end set for him.”
Lorenz has no morals of her own, no ideals of their own to which she aspires; no ideas about right or wrong which might interfere with the satisfaction the masters she serves. As Hayek noted of the servants of collectivism, she has a “willingness to do immoral things” and clearly believes the supreme rule is “the end justifies the means, which in individualist ethics is regarded as the denial of all morals.” There is literally nothing which she is not prepared to do “if it serves “the good of the whole,” because to her, “that is the only criterion of what ought to be done”.
How far has this rot penetrated?
Well, it has progressed a great distance. Now that you know who Lorenz is and how she came to work for the New York Times and the Washington Post, just look at the powerful people and organizations lining up to cast this as “right wing” attacks by Tucker Carlson on her, which is complete bull – the right didn’t fire the first shots, Lorenz did.
But the problem is not Taylor Lorenz, it is that the left has marshalled an army of morally flexible foot soldiers just like her, an army with support from all the corporate entities rushing to explain why she is the REAL victim here.
I would gladly settle for them to just stop breaking the 9th commandment.
Taylor Lorenz, born Larry Taylor, is a spectacular example of what happens when the Children of Privilege are given no direction or moral teachings. It is one sick puppy.