January 6th Was About Accountability
J6 has more in common with the aftermath of the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal than any incident to which Democrats compared it.
By and large, at least half of America tuned out to the Democrats’ J6 “commemoration”. I didn’t watch or listen to any of it, I especially ignored Biden’s speech, because I knew it was a made for TV event starring Democrats as the Caped Crusaders of Democracy.
Yesterday, in their orgiastic display of self-love and Trump fear and loathing, the Democrats made many horrific, absurd, and ultimately illegitimate comparisons of J6 to recorded historical events.
A more accurate comparison to make would be the reaction of the American people to the July 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal debacle and the calls for accountability. Like Afghanistan, there were obvious failures and irregularities that demand and deserve explanation.
They persist in claiming Trump and his allies are telling the “Big Lie” about the 2020 election being stolen and many, like yours truly, know something was wrong with that election, and believe, as in the Epstein/Maxwell situations, we are being prevented from accessing the truth.
We watched as President Trump drew tens of thousands of people to his rallies as the Biden campaign drew literally tens of people (masked and socially distanced, of course).
We know several key states changed election procedures in direct violation of their own constitutions.
We know there were irregularities in the mail out balloting process.
We know there were irregularities in the vote tallying processes in several states.
We know (anecdotally, of course) there was a level of energy President Trump’s appearances generated that stood in complete contrast to Biden hiding in his basement and rarely holding public events. Trump campaigned, Biden didn’t.
Those are facts, but because they were discovered and investigations pursued by partisan organizations, the results have been mocked at best, ignored at worse – but who else other than partisan interests would have investigated? The perpetrator and winning party had no interest in discovery or cooperation, their goal is always to cover their tracks, and in every instance, the opposing party did everything possible to hinder these inquiries to make them appear illegitimate.
I’ve said it before, I have no compelling, objective, conclusive evidence the 2020 election was corrupt – but on the other hand, I have no compelling, objective, and conclusive evidence it wasn’t.
Something about the 2020 election just wasn’t right. To this date, I still have the feeling that something just doesn’t add up.
For that reason, I wanted accountability – that means audits and protections guaranteed by the Supreme Court that our rights under the Constitution of the United States were not violated by agents of chaos who willfully violated their own state constitutions.
We got none of that.
We had Congressmembers, both House and Senate, calling for two weeks of investigations of electoral practices and vote counting but since the Democrat ticket “won” and the Democrats held narrow majorities in the House and Senate, they were having none of it.
The cowards on the Supreme Court refused to hear cases, primarily using procedural excuses like a lack of standing to avoid getting involved.
So, what is a population to do when one faction tries to hide what they did and the government entities responsible for making sure issues are resolved in daylight stop listening?
Well, if you are favored by Democrats, you turn to violence – you protest, loot, burn, murder, firebomb federal buildings, attack federal law enforcement officials and set up your own “autonomous zones”, all with the tacit support of the Democrat Party. You don’t fear prosecution because you will not be prosecuted.
If you are a Republican, you protest without looting, burning, murdering, firebombing federal buildings, attacking federal law enforcement officials, or setting up your own “autonomous zones - and when some people trespass on Capitol buildings, you are called insurrectionists, hunted, and raided by the FBI, imprisoned without bail for months on end and charged, not with insurrection, but with minor crimes.
The objections to the tallying of 2020 Electoral College votes were procedurally the same as when Democrats challenged the 2016 election results - except the Republicans didn’t initiate a campaign to get electors to declare themselves “faithless” and vote for Hillary Clinton instead of voting for the candidate to whom they were pledged.
The same Democrats and media figures who openly questioned the results of the 2016 election by claiming it was rife with corruption, accusing President Trump of collusion with Russia, for four years called his presidency illegitimate, and who objected to the results on the floor of the House, are the same people who claim there was nothing wrong with the 2020 election (when their guy won), that it was secure, perfect and unassailable.
Overnight, the Democrats went from questioning the election and preparing to aggressively resist its results to considering the election sacrosanct and aggressively defending the results.
Nothing questionable or suspicious about such an overnight switch, is there?
J6 was never about insurrection, the death of democracy, obstructing congressional vote counting or kidnapping or killing any elected official or bureaucrat. In truth, the only violent death associated with the protest was a Air Force veteran, Ashli Babbitt, who was shot to death by a Capitol policeman.
J6 was about accountability. It was about the Constitutional right to redress of grievances. It was about a government that refused to hear the concerns of the governed.
Just as we will never see accountability for the debacle in Afghanistan (it is already being memory holed), we will never get answers to what happened in 2020. When answers aren’t forthcoming, all that leaves is theory and building doubt in the public mind.
The perversion of our systems and the federal and state level and the refusal to get to the bottom of the concerns pretty much guarantees another J6 type event.
If that happens to be due to a Democrat loss, God help us.
I doubt the cast of Hamilton will be performing.
J6 was not my cup of tea. Nonetheless, it's tit for tat and I am not disappointed with the effort. Democrats cannot complain about protesting at any level when they have condoned -- no, encouraged -- the violent protests around the United States. As a libertarian (small "l", don't trust any politicians), I loathe the Democrats and will vote Republican when I have to in order to keep them out of office.