God Made Men, Samuel Colt Made Them Equal
The time is coming when a gun is the only protection you will have.
Just saw the video of black teenagers ransacking a L.A. McDonald's followed immediately by the clip of the black assailant in France who attacked a grandmother and granddaughter in the doorway of their home.
Call me a racist, but these situations should be inarguably defined as feral behavior.
No Midnight Basketball program is going to quell this wave of complete disregard for anything approaching civil behavior. They do this because they can.
Years of government policies that have destroyed the black family - and it isn't because black men are imprisoned disproportionately, as study after study (see anything Heather MacDonald has written) has shown that black men were arrested and jailed in accordance with the crimes they committed and those rates do not differ from whites when compared to the number of crimes committed.
Black kids are doing this because they can.
Thugs are running wild because stopping an attack will get you arrested and tossed in jail.
Worldwide, violent incidents are increasing because they are being allowed - and by arresting anyone who tries to stop the incidents, encouraged.
They are being reared by government agencies and schools - both entities completely incapable of instilling any form of civic values because they have other priorities - like facilitating transgenderism, kneeling to the LGBQ movement and pushing reparations by holding black kids to lower behavioral and academic standards.
None of this is successful in improving the lives of black kids.
Giving things won't work - it has never worked - never in the history of mankind. Giving limits a person to what is available to give. Once that coffer or program is empty, there is nothing. The only way out is earning - creating value through innovation or simply making yourself the best employee a company could have.
And you can't be a good employee without being a good citizen. These two things are build on the same foundations.
Sooner or later, this WILL get violent.
Right now, companies are mandating their employees stand down and just let it happen but it won't be long until every store is closed or people start to fight back. If the justice system and law enforcement won't step in and do it, people will be forced to act - and people are going to die.
It's not the gun owners who are creating the wild west scenarios, it is the prosecutors and government officials who are inviting these events in the name of God knows what.
The old saying that "God made men but Samuel Colt made them equal" is still true today - and that is where this feral behavior leads. An animal only understands superior force, and that will escalate as the law fades in relevance.
Something else is also true: when seconds matter, the police are minutes away - if they even come.
That isn’t their fault – they have been given an impossible task. Setting aside the corrupt and/or insane District Attorneys, cowardly city officials, and the “defund the police crowd, it is a game of people per square mile. The International Association of Chiefs of Police report that the average ratio of police to citizen is about 2.3 officers per 1000 citizens. This is simply a game of numbers in a country of 330 million people covering 3.8 million square miles.
The Second Amendment isn’t a license to kill as the progressive left believes. It is part of a philosophy going back to John Locke’s 1689 “Second Treatise of Civil Government” and beyond that posits that an individual has a right to his own person and property and therefore has a right to protect them:
“Though the earth, and all inferior creatures, be common to all men, yet every man has a property in his own person: this no body has any right to but himself. The labour of his body, and the work of his hands, we may say, are properly his. Whatsoever then he removes out of the state that nature hath provided, and left it in, he hath mixed his labour with, and joined to it something that is his own, and thereby makes it his property. It being by him removed from the common state nature hath placed it in, it hath by this labour something annexed to it, that excludes the common right of other men: for this labour being the unquestionable property of the labourer, no man but he can have a right to what that is once joined to, at least where there is enough, and as good, left in common for others.”
There is a reason that murders and terrorists, even the insane ones, attack schools and not police stations. It is because they know that there will be no resistance in “gun free zones” and maximum resistance in “gun mandated zones”. The progressive talking point is that a civilized society does not “need” to have firearms – that may be true within such a society – but a civilized society needs firearms to protect itself from uncivilized entities acting in asymmetric and random ways.
The fact is that centralization of individual protection will always be ineffective against this type of threat – the only way to answer random, asymmetric threats is with an equally random, asymmetric response – individual ownership and open carrying of personal weapons by all citizens who so choose.
This doesn’t mean that we should seek to become the Wild West but we must recognize that the Wild West was tamed by men with Bibles and guns.
Good morning, Michael. I had to laugh when I read your statement about criminals being too smart to attack police stations. This morning on Twitter, a Michigan State Policeman posted a story about an armed criminal in Louisville who attempted to carjack an undercover detective. Happily, the criminal ended up dead. The article went on to praise the black criminal for being a good kid.
On an unrelated note, I couldn't help but admire the picture that headed your article. The 1862 Navy Colt was Wild Bill Hickok's favorite pistol. I saw one in the Deadwood Museum, but not having $6,000.00 to buy one, I got a functioning replica from Cimarron Firearms. Like you, I encourage every law-abiding citizen to buy guns. And many of them are beautiful pieces of collectible and life-saving artwork.
Cimarron Firearms - Western Lifestyle & Firearms
Do you think a .22 with LR hollow points and a 12G with buckshot will suffice?